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Youth Development Officer

The club is delighted to announce the appointment of Ross Cooke to the position of Youth Development Officer following a rigorous assessment and interview process from an initial list of over 20 candidates for the post.

Our existing YDO, Gregor Hunter is leaving to take up post graduate studies at the University of Strathclyde and has done an excellent job of promoting and developing young players in the town. It was vitally important that this excellent work continued and Ross fitted the requirements very well.

He has been involved in coaching and playing rugby since being a young teenager, has a qualification in Sports Science and has recent knowledge of Borders rugby having been part and full time YDO at Kelso.

He brings knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to the post and we look forward to the continued development of young players in Gala from Minis , through secondary school and into the Red Triangle and Wanderers Junior teams.

We wish him every success in the future and that he receives the backup and support he requires from the whole rugby community in Gala.

You can get the opportunity to meet Ross at our Club Open Day on 25th August at Netherdale, which is the Mini's registration day.



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