Here is what we did last weekend as part of our fund raising activities. A charity car wash at Netherdale followed on Sunday by a 12 hour long marathon five a side touch rugby tournament featuring all ages, male and female, from primary through to seniors with a sprinkling of vets!
We had welcome assistance from Danny’s A7 car wash with equipment although the day was one of very heavy rain all day which forced closure of the event early. Nevertheless a substantial sum was raised.
Fortunately the weather for the five a side touch rugby was the opposite and was a beautiful dry sunny and warm day. Everyone had a fantastic time with over 650 tries scored in the 12 hours from 8 till 8.
We are are already well on their way to exceeding the initial target we set to collect £2,500 and are looking to smash that by close of the Challenge on the 16th October at 12.00.
If you have not already donated please do so by logging on to our Radio Borders Cash for Kids Just Giving page at https:\\ #WeareMaroon