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"200" Club Memberships Available

Annual membership of the 200 Club is open for the coming year and numbers are available to purchase.

Last year (April 2019 to March 2020) 39 "200" Club members won almost £3,000 !

The odds of winning are good and it only costs £24 to enter for the year.

Below is a letter which was sent to current members about their renewal, so if you are one and you have renewed please ignore this message!

To everyone else this is a great opportunity to help the club through some difficult times and have the opportunity of winning cash prizes from £30 to £500.

Maroons “200” Club

On behalf of the club I would like to thank you for your support of the Maroons “200” Club over the past year. Last year almost 40 winners shared almost £3000 in prize money.

A full list of the winners for the past year is attached.

The monies from this long running venture provide much needed revenue for the day to day running of the club and is much appreciated.

Despite the current exceptional circumstances we have decided to continue running the monthly draw since it involves no social interaction and a lucky few people will continue to get a nice surpise every month! As the club has no other regular income currently or for the coming months it would be great if you could continue your membership. There are also still numbers available if you, or someone you know, would like to purchase these further opportunites to win.

Subscriptions of £24 for the coming year (April 2020 to March 2021) are now due and anyone not paying by standing order should make cheques payable to Gala Rugby and send to me, Martin Bird, c/o Gala Rugby, Netherdale, Nether Road, Galashiels TD1 3HE. Payment can also normally be made by cash or credit card in the club office most weekday mornings 09.30-13.00 but this is currently not possible as the staff have been furloughed. Alternatively you could make a Standing Order – the Club’s Bank details are RBS Bank Street Galashiels, Sort Code 83-20-19 Account No 00601911.

Yours Sincerely

Martin Bird


Gala Rugby



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